Igniters and “slow-cookers”

I am starting this without a title, maybe in the end it doesn’t even become a post.

Just like this, I started today without a title, as I was not very excited about it. But I have discovered a great risk for my life e for my future.

“There is one thing that never changes, and that’s the change itself. “

Some important philosopher

Maybe that quotation is another thing that never changes.

For all of my life I have been the one who embraced change, and made sense of it. That is a fact, as much as I am not the one that pushes the change. Most of the times I do not cause it, as I have got in my life people who do it, and I can tell you, they do it very well!

They are good igniters, and that is the very best term for them, as they start fires, but they aren’t good to keep it burning, it is not of their nature. After some time, I found out I am this slow-cook kind of person, I just keep it burning.

I accepted this situation, and made it profitable to those around me. It set them free to have their crazy ideas and to change as much as they want. They have their back covered.

That was never a secret, and I was talking to some friends about it, when I realized this: what if they stop trying to change, and they settle down? Who is going fuel me with something different and amazing to solve?

That would be a life changer, not to have anybody to keep changing my life.

The danger I saw was that I was trying to stop my igniters to do their part, by not giving them space for that.

If you understand the importance of changes, and see them as positive, always remember to have around these 2 kinds of people, the igniters and the “slow-cookers”. It does not apply only for business, but for personal life also.