Change, before you have to.

Today I was introduced to an old quotation that summarizes most of my decisions, I mean, the ones I made consciently.

“Change, before you have to.”

Jack Welch

Sometimes you have to accept some external and uncontrollable risks on your life, because you wouldn’t be able to avoid, transfer or mitigate them. But this doesn’t mean you won’t have to have a contingency plan ready.

My contingency plan to changes I cannot control is creating my own changes, learning something new, getting out of a comfort zone, trying and learning new things and being creative!

The fact that we build a new status actually drives us towards the opportunities around that, and those old risks lose importance, as we moved away from the previous status.

Change to have a new perspective and see the external and uncontrollable changes the size they really are.

Then you will be able to stop only seeing them as threatening risks, and open yourself to turn them into valuable opportunities that now you can capture, and thrive through transformation.